If you are interested in learning about your background 23andMe is where I ordered my information. The test is simple: you place your saliva and a small test tube and Mail the sample to 23 and Me medical lab. 23andMe provide easy step by step instructions. As a side note, it is 23 because we have 23 chromosomes.

Your body is made of cells.

The cells in your body contain 23 pairs of chromosomes.

The chromosomes in your cells are made of DNA, and DNA can tell extraordinary information about you.

23andMe are the first and only genetic service available directly to you. The 23andMe provides you with a report that meets FDA standards.  

I have little doubt the test results are like art; subjective. I like to believe I am similar to a rainbow, and my mixed heritage creates a uniquely colored rainbow. 

I did not order from 23andMe for scientific information.  I am curiosity about my heritage and the results from 23andMe helped confirm what I believe is my ancestry.

You have the choice to opt in to their genetic database. The 23andMe genetic data base is used to accelerate research. The option to allow your genetic data is completely yours.

I choose to opt in and I hope my Zebra chromosome with help others with rare diseases.

By opting in you agree to allow their researcher to link your genetic date to study topics from ancestry to traits to diseases.  Hopefully, my genetic data will make an impact and help with scientific discoveries.

Personally, I think the 23andMe test is a bit pricey but it does make a terrific gift idea.

You can search the Internet for discount coupons for 23andMe genetic testing.

I believe I found a discount for 23andMe genetic testing on the Groupon website.


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