Did Laguna Hills Saddleback Memorial Hospital Gastroenterologist Mark Trenbeath Cause My Perforated Colon?
Did Laguna Hills Saddleback Memorial Hospital Gastroenterologist Mark Trenbeath Cause My Perforated Colon?
As the “All About Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis” is added to HypoGal’s website I can not stop thinking about the Laguna Hills Gastroenterologist that most likely caused my colon to perforate, Dr. Mike Trenbeath.
Even through a decade as lapsed, the eight-inch jagged scar down the middle of my abdomen reminds me to listen to my inner voice.
A few minutes after the HypoGal’s All About Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis post went online, I typed the following keywords into the Google search engine; Dr. Mike Trenbeath, Saddleback Hospital, South Orange County Gastroenterologist, Saddleback Memorial Hospital.
My Google search engine results did not surprise me.
I read that SMG Announces the Retirement of Our Patriarch, Dr. Mike Trenbeath.
Dr. Trenbeath was an older man when I first walked into his offices.
I mistakenly thought because Dr. Trenbeath was an older doctor he would be wiser.
Most likely Dr. Trenbeath has helped hundreds of patients through his years of medical practice, but he almost killed me.
Dr. Trenbeath told me I was just depressed. He went on to tell me that a lot of new moms are depressed, it will go away.
He then said there was no reason for my stomach pain, my nausea, diarrhea, and lack of appetite.
Time passes and it has been over a decade since Doctor Mark Trenbeath did not hear my voice.
There have been so many moments when I want to tell and show Dr. Trenbeath the emotional and physical damages his neglect causes me to endure.
So, here it is Dr. Mark Trenbeath:
Dr. Trenbeath you failed to hear my pleads, listen to my symptoms and you were dismissive when I told you I would barely walk because of the pain on my left side.
I believe your lack of medical care was the cause of my perforated colon.
Here is my story:
One day in March 2004 and I felt an extreme sharp chest pain.
The severe chest pain drops me to the floor, and I am unable to ignore the stabbing pain.
I arrive at the Emergency Room, and doctors order a gambit of tests.
A CT scan shows that I have air in my abdominal cavity, so I end up on the operating table for emergency exploratory surgery.
I awake in a hospital room with my abdomen split open and a colostomy bag on my right side. My colon has perforated due to serve Diverticulitis.
The operating surgeon was upset, and he tells my husband and me that my colon should not have perforated.
The surgeon could not believe I had a colonoscopy a year prior.
My husband’s theory about doctors resonates through my mind.
Here is my husband’s theory:
Most doctors are men
Most men think their wives are crazy
Doctors initially believe their female patients are crazy
Hence, Doctor Mark Trenbeath diagnosis that I am just depressed
I believe my husband’s theory in the case of Dr. Mark Trenbeath is correct.
My mother had answered the phone when Doctor Trenbeath phoned me back.
As a concerned parent, my mom told Dr. Trenbeath her concern about the hyper mobility of my food.
His reply,”oh you are a good mom for watching what your daughter eats.”
As the year’s pass, the wound heals, but my eight inch abdomen scar reminds me why I need to speak out.
I hope Did Laguna Hills Saddleback Memorial Hospital Gastoenterologist Mark Trenbeath Cause My Perforate Colon? has been insightful.
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