What Is Relapsing Polychondritis?
What Is Relapsing Polychondritis?
Relapsing Polychondritis is a rare chronic cartilage disease.
The disease, Relapsing Polychondritis is characterized by recurrent episodes of inflammation of the cartilage of various body tissues.
The rare disease Relapsing Polychondritis is often difficult to diagnosis.
Some patients with Relapsing Polychondritis can take years to be diagnosed.
The most common symptom of Relapsing Polychondritis is the sudden cause of extreme pain in the inflamed cartilage area.
What Causes Relapsing Polychondritis?
What causes Relapsing Polychondritis is unknown at this time.
Some medical experts suspect that environment may play a role.
The medical community suspects that Relapsing Polychondritis is related to with other inflammatory diseases.
Other inflammatory diseases may trigger Relapsing Polychondritis.
In 50 percent of Relapsing Polychondritis patients, there is confirmation of thrombocytosis, leukocytosis, and normochromic normocytic anemia.
Relapsing Polychondritis Can Affect Any Part Of Your Body That Has Cartilage
Inflammation of the ears and nose can cause the body’s cartilage to weaken and result in a saddle nose and floppy deformed ears.
Inflammation of the inner ear may cause hearing impairments, nausea, and loss of balance.
Windpipe or trachea inflammation can lead to throat intense pain, loss of voice (hoarseness) and trouble breathing may develop.
Some patients with serve Relapsing Polychondritis in the trachea area may require assistance to breathe.
Joint inflammation (arthritis) may cause stiffness, swelling, redness and joint pain.
If a Relapsing Polychondritis patient experiences joint pain it may make it difficult to perform everyday tasks.
Inflammation of joints may include the hands, knees, ankles, and wrists.
Eye inflammation can be mild or severe and can damage vision.
The steroids that treat the rare disease Relapsing Polychondritis can cause cataracts.
Fever may develop as the body struggles with inflammation.
People with Relapsing Polychondritis may also experience fatigue and weight loss.
You can learn more about Relapsing Polychondritis on this HypoGal Page.
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