the pituitary gland functions

Pituitary Gland Diseases

what are the diseases of the pituitary gland

the pituitary gland

Health/ Health References

Pituitary Gland Diseases

When excessive or insufficient hormones are produced by the Pituitary Gland more than a dozen different disorders of the endocrine system can result.

Here is a list of Diseases Caused by the Pituitary Gland disorder:

Diseases Caused by Pituitary Gland Disorders Caused By Hormones Affected 
Acromegaly overproduction growth hormone
Cushing’s disease overproduction adrenocorticotropic hormone
Growth hormone deficiency under production growth hormone
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone overproduction vasopressin
Diabetes insipidus under production vasopressin
Sheehan syndrome under production any pituitary hormone
Pickardt-Fahlbusch-Syndrome under production any pituitary hormone, except prolactin, which is increased
Hyperpituitarism overproduction any pituitary hormone
Hypopituitarism under production any pituitary hormone

I hope this health reference list of Pituitary Gland Diseases been helpful to you.

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