Review of Crown Valley Imaging

Crown Valley Imaging Review




We are frustrated that Crown Valley Imaging is charging us for this CT with contrast.

Your radiologist stated our daughter's heart, and valves were functioning normal.

Your radiologist was incorrect and missed our daughters deadly heart condition, Left -Side Anomalous Venous Return.

Your doctor's error caused our family to endure days off of work, additional medical specialist appointments, additional extensive testings eg. CPET and a Bubble Echo.

In addition, your radiologist error placed extraordinary stress on our 17 year old daughter and our family.

The mistake by Crown Valley Imaging has cost our family thousands of dollars and undue stress.

Because of your doctor's error and the additional medical expenses will incurred we are asking that you waive our co-pay.

Unfortunately, Crown Valley Imaging has wrote us twice stating they are going to place our account in collections- surreal!

I will keep HypoGal readers updated. Hopefully, Crown Valley Imaging of Mission Viejo will do the right thing. 

Below are a couple of photos of the large pulmonary vein that Crown Valley Imaging, Radiologist, Allreza Namini did not discover, a photo of the Crown Valley Imaging report, and my daughter's surgical report. 


crown valley imaging

Above the red arrow you can see the vein.

partial anomalous pulmonary return photo review

Click on the report above to enlarge.

Crown Valley Imaging Radiologist states the quality of the study is excellent, my daughter's heart is normal in size and no pericardial effusion. 

partial anomalous pulmonary venous return of the left upper

The Mayo Clinic's Cardiac Surgeon reports severe right ventricular enlargement. Several other cardiologists and surgeons stated the CT showed right side of the heart enlargement.

The right side of the heart is enlarged because the left side of the heart is not functioning correctly.


Update from Crown Valley Imaging. I spoke with the Radiologist, Alireza Namini and he was kind, soft spoken, acted concerned but he was also defensive of his report.

I told Dr. Namini I am phoning for two reasons:

I do want what happened to my daughter to happen to anyone else.

Second, I did not feel I should have to pay the remainder of our co-pay for the CT imaging.

His misread of the CT caused our family to incur additional medical appointments, additional fund and undue stress.

If I had not been insistent with my daughter's pulmonologist to please recheck test results, her outcome may have been catastrophic.  

Dr. Namini told me to speak to the billing department but I told him that the billing department told me to speak to him. 

Doctor Namini said to me that he should be completely paid because he took the time to review his work, reached out to my daughter's pulmonologist and cardiologist. Also, my daughter's cardiac ailment is rare so it was not easy to find. 

(I thought, this is just wrong!  My daughter's giant misplaced vein, screamed, help! Your company is paid thousands of dollars for you to read my daughter's image. It just seems odd that you emphasis that you took additional time to review the image and you had to make a couple of phone calls. Isn't that your job? )

I informed Radiologist Namini that the reading of the image was incorrect and the correct diagnosis was seen by cardiologists and cardiac surgeons.

Doctor Namini told me that it is easy to see what is wrong once he made the correct diagnosis.

I said, my daughter's pulmonary vein was extremely large, located in the wrong area, kinda like the elephant in the room.

We ended the conversation. I thanked him for speaking to my daughter's pulmonologist and cardiologist. 

I hung up the phone and thought wow, the medical field seems to have all the protection and the patient zero. 

It is frustrating that the medical field does not offer a refund for an incorrect diagnosis. 



I received a voicemail from a billing person at Crown Valley Imaging. The message said the company decided we had to pay our portion of the co-pay. 

It just seems wrong that a company can collect thousands for a misdiagnosis and then charge you are co-pay. Our medical system needs a major overhaul.



If I could give Crown Valley Imaging a zero, I would.

This is not the first time Crown Valley Imaging has misdiagnosed a member of our family. 






Pericardial effusion occurs when there is an abnormal build-up of excess fluid that develops between the pericardium, the lining of the heart, and the heart itself.

Pericardial effusion, sometimes referred to as "fluid around the heart."




Right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) is a condition defined by an abnormal enlargement of the cardiac muscle surrounding the right ventricle. 

Right Ventricular Enlargement is also known as right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH).

When Right Ventricular Enlargement occurs the muscle on the right side of the heart enlarges and become thicker. 

My daughter's right side of her heart was enlarged because the left side of her heart was functioning correctly. 


The heart is divided into a left and a right side.

The right side of your heart pumps blood to your lungs to receive oxygen.

The left side pumps the oxygenated blood to the rest of your body.

