what is dystonia

What Is Cervical Dystonia?


                                          CERVICAL DYSTONIA 

Need information about Cervical Dystonia? Hopefully, this information about Cervical Dystonia answers some of your questions!

Cervical dystonia, also called spasmodic torticollis or torticollis, is the most common of the focal dystonias.

Cervical Dystonia is a rare neurological disorder that originates in the brain.

Cervical dystonia is characterized by involuntary muscle contractions in the neck.

The involuntary muscle contractions can cause abnormal movements and postures of the neck and head.

The muscles in the neck that control the position of the head are affected, causing the head to turn to one side or to be pulled forward or backward. Sometimes the shoulder is pulled up. 

Cervical dystonia can occur at any age, although most individuals first experience symptoms in midlife. It often begins slowly and usually reaches a plateau over a few months or years.

About 10 percent of those with torticollis may experience a spontaneous remission, but unfortunately the remission may not be lasting.

There are some cases of Cervical Dystonia that may resemble tremor.


NIH Dystonia 

Rare Diseases Organization 





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