Sheehan’s Syndrome Information
Sheehan’s Syndrome Information
People frequently search for information about Sheehan’s Syndrome under the terms:
Sheehan Syndrome
Pituitary Apoplexy
This page is dedicated as a directory to Sheehan’s Syndrome Information, Pituitary Function, and Adrenal Insufficiency.
Learn about Sheehan’s Syndrome
The above weblink provides an overview of Sheehan’s Syndrome.
A list of lab tests that will help you with a Sheehan’s Syndrome diagnosis.
Symptoms of Sheehan’s Syndrome
The different causes of Sheehan’s Syndrome
Mayo Clinic, NORD report on Sheehan’s Syndrome
Where you can find Sheehan Syndrome Support Groups
Photos of the pituitary gland
Photos of the Male and Female Endocrine System
Learn about the pituitary gland
Understand the function of the pituitary gland
Shares where the pituitary gland is located
Find out where your adrenal glands are located. You have two adrenal glands.
A photo to help you better understand the thyroid gland
My Story With Sheehan’s Syndrome
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